234 Bowland Drive, Liverpool, L21 0JL

Terraced Freehold

Found 2 transactions going back to June 2004.

Date Price Percentage
30 Sep 2022 £ 103,000 106.0% (4.0% p.a.)
29 Jun 2004 £ 50,000

This Terraced property is located at 234 Bowland Drive, Liverpool, L21 0JL and was last sold for £103,000 on 30 Sep 2022.

It was first sold for £50,000 on 29 Jun 2004.

During that time it has increased in value by £53,000 or 106.0% (4.0% p.a.) while the average for the local L21 area has increased by 58.8% (2.6% p.a.)