Frequently asked questions

Where does your data come from?

HM Land Registry publish details of property sales from 1995 onwards for England and Wales under the Open Government License (OGL)

How often are Land Registry sold prices updated?

The Land Registry publish an updated dataset on the 20th working day of each month but there will also be a delay of a month or two whilst a transaction is registered and legal paperwork completed. Most transactons therefore appear in the data within 3 month, but some can take much longer.

This page has statistics showing the average delay between Transaction Dates and a record being published by the Land Registry

Can I have my house price information removed?

You can contact the Land Registry - but this information is the public domain and not considered personal information under the Data Protection Act so is unlikely to be removed.

How do I correct a mistake in the Land Registry Price Paid data?

You must contact the Land Registry as they are the origional source of this data.

I can't find a house in the Land Registry data that I know has been sold?

There are several resons :-

  • The sale hasn't actually completed yet
  • The sale has not been registered yet. Sales usually show within 3 months but sometimes can take longer.
  • The address you have is incorrect - try searching on just part of the postcode or street name or sometimes just locality.
  • The sale may not be included in the Land Registry data - such as a commercial or land transaction; it was not sold for open market value such as a reposession, compulsory purchase or 'right to buy'; a lease with less than 21 years left.
  • An error was made when registering the sale with the Land Registry.